10 Cool Math Games for Kids

The mere mention of math is enough to strike fear into the hearts of adults around the world. For thousands of people, the thought of doing annual tax returns, applying for a mortgage, or even just helping children with their homework can bring them out in cold sweats and leave them running for the nearest calculator.
Luckily there are phone apps to help adults get better at math. The long-term solution, however, is to engage children with mathematics from a young age, making use of tools, cool math games, and apps that make the process of learning arithmetic fun rather than arduous. So, to help parents and children alike, here are the best cool math games for kids.
1. BBC School Radio—Maths (Ages 3-11)
The BBC has always produced a wide range of high-quality learning materials across a broad selection of topics for both adults and children. And its language-learning services are especially well-renowned. The BBC School Radio series covers most subjects that children encounter in primary school, including math.
There are five fun math games for kids available: “Counting Songs” (ages 3-5), “Numbertime” (ages 5-7), “Megamaths” (ages 7-9), “Maths Challenge” (ages 9-11), “Maths Challenge 1” (ages 9-11), and “Maths Challenge 2” (ages 9-11). Each series has an emphasis on engagement and building confidence, rather than long, drawn-out lectures. Children are rewarded with token achievements and plenty of praise as they progress.
Each game can also be downloaded as a podcast, so your child won’t be stuck in front of the computer while they are playing the games—which makes them perfect for long car journeys or flights.
2. Grand Prix Multiplication (Ages 8-9)
Grand Prix Multiplication is just one of the hundreds of cool math games available on Math Playground.
Math Playground divides its games into six categories: Add and Subtract, Multiply and Divide, Fractions, Shapes and Graphs, Pre-Algebra, and Money and Time. All of the games are highly interactive and offer some form of competition against other players. Each game even has a leaderboard, if your kids enjoy that sense of accomplishment.
As a teacher, you’ll also be able to see information about how each game connects to the curriculum for its associated level.
(NB: Not all games on Math Playground are free to play.)