5 Reasons All About Reading is the Best Homeschool Reading Curriculum
The Best Homeschool Reading Curriculum
It’s no secret that we love All About Reading and feel it is the best homeschool reading curriculum. I gave it a try over 10 years ago when I was looking for something different to help my child who was learning to read. I immediately fell in love and have used All About Reading ever since.
This past year I got a refresh and started all over again with Level Pre-reading and am now in the middle of Level 1 with my students {a friend’s children}. I am reminded once again why I love this fabulous homeschool reading curriculum and want to be sure you know why!
Note – This is not a sponsored post; however, our affiliate links are used.
Why I Love All About Reading
- You don’t need to guess, there’s a script for you to follow so you know exactly how to teach the lessons!
- Games and activities included; you don’t need additional supplies.
- Limited prep work. Yes, you do need to tear apart cards, organize the review card box, and prep the games/activities. But it’s all manageable. I prep an entire level using this method.
- All About Reading thoroughly addresses the five essential components of reading identified by the National Reading Panel: Phonological/phonemic awareness, Phonics, Fluency, Vocabulary, and Comprehension.
Learn 1 new concept at a time
- With explicit and direct instruction your child will learn one new concept at a time. Direct instruction is a proven method in which students are taught exactly what they need to learn.
- Lessons are incremental, meaning each lesson builds upon previously mastered material and gradually increases in difficulty. This provides a “no-gaps approach” that allows students to learn one concept at a time in a logical sequence.
- The letter tiles are used in every new concept. You can use physical letter tiles or the letter tiles app.
- There are many reading games included that are easy to prepare and fun for your kids.
- The beautiful decodable readers are engaging and just perfect for each lesson.
- You can move as fast or as slow as your child needs. It isn’t a “one lesson per day” type of curriculum. When I taught level 1 this past year, we took a break after lesson 16 so I could be sure they were solid with letter sounds and reading CVC words before moving on to lesson 18 which introduces consonant teams.
We Love All About Spelling Too!
We have always started AAR first and then added in All About Spelling. I keep our reading instruction and spelling instruction separate, here’s why. If you are wondering when to begin All About Spelling, this article will help you!
Want more tips for teaching your child to read? Visit our website Learning to Read, which is filled with tools and freebies to help homeschoolers teach their children to read at home. All printables are aligned with All About Reading, you’ll see exactly where to fit in our supplemental printable reading activities!
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