82 People Share Why They Immediately Hated Someone
One curious Reddit user, DDelirium46, recently posed the question, “Have you ever listened to a person talk for less than a minute and known you weren't going to get along with that person? What did they say?”, and readers did not hold back in the replies. From extremely offensive comments to claims that will make your eyes roll, we’ve gathered a list of some of the most shocking responses to this query down below.
Keep reading to also find an interview with Susan Krauss Whitbourne, Ph.D., ABPP, to hear her thoughts on the topic, and be sure to upvote the answers that would send you immediately running in the other direction as well. Then, if you’re interested in checking out a Bored Panda article discussing some similar immediate red flags people have encountered when dating, you can find that list right here!
I was listening to the NEXIVM podcast and the clip of the founder saying he has 225 IQ. If I walked into a room and heard someone say that I’d walk right back out
Image credits: Fabulous-Bandicoot40
To gain more insight on this topic, we reached out to Susan Krauss Whitbourne, Ph.D., ABPP. Dr. Whitbourne is a Professor Emerita of Psychological and Brain Sciences at the University of Massachusetts Amherst and an Adjunct Professor in the Department of Gerontology and Faculty Fellow in the Institute of Gerontology at the University of Massachusetts Boston, and she was kind enough to share her thoughts on these unfortunate first impressions. But according to Dr. Whitbourne, first impressions aren't always a great indication of someone's personality. "Many situational factors affect first impressions, such as what is going on at the moment around an individual. Also, it is also remarkably easy for people to put on a false impression," she told Bored Panda.
We also asked if it's typically a positive thing for people to show their true colors immediately, like the people featured in this list, or if we should all have the manners to be more polite upon first meeting others. "It is preferable to 'read the room' before you show your true colors, but in general, it's better to err on the side of being polite at that first meeting," Dr. Whitbourne says.
New guy at work, first coffee break he started complaining about his ex who had full custody of the kids for some unknowable reason and also how he’d like to slash her throat with a rusty knife. Nice to meet you too, don’t think I’ll be taking breaks with you.
Image credits: Barquebe
"Hi, let's talk about how my religion can change your life."
Image credits: pinniped1
Dr. Whitbourne also noted that it is wise not to form an opinion on someone else solely off of your first interaction. "You absolutely should wait to gather more 'data' on someone, although those first few vibes could be informative potentially (unless they are putting on a false front)."
And when it comes to how we can make better first impressions, Dr. Whitbourne told Bored Panda to remember to read the room. "That is very important, especially to determine what emotion to display to ensure that it is consistent with the situation (i.e. not laughing in a serious situation). Eye contact is always helpful as is attention to posture and other aspects of body language."
"There are different levels to being a psychic, I'm on the purple level so I can talk to the dead". said a new employee at my previous job.*Nope.*

Image credits: Lumisateessa
The quiet boy at school sat next to me and told me how hard he felt when he took a s**t and how many times he ejaculated that way. I never sat next to him again.
Image credits: SignificantLow4405
"Put yourself in someone else's place when you see them in a certain situation before deciding on what their personality is," Dr. Whitbourne added. "For example, It's very easy to be overly critical of others for engaging in the same behavior that you would in that situation, so in these cases, give them a break. If you're trying to decide whether to have a relationship with someone based on a first impression, keep the third point in mind and allow yourself to gather more information and then decide based on that."
If you'd like to gain more words of Wisdom from Susan Krauss Whitbourne PhD, ABPP, be sure to visit her Psychology Today blog right here.
All time favorite was this girl they had just hired who would answer any question by responding that she had a fiancee. Like hi my name is Bill where are you from? I HAVE A FIANCEE! Like any of us were going to bang her in the walk-in cooler if she didn't.
Image credits: ComedianRepulsive955
“You’re late. I’ve been here for ten mins already.” I was only 5 mins late for the date because I was looking for parking and had let him know.
Image credits: MoonLover318
New guy started at my job, we were outside smoking on first break. Keep in mind I have never met nor spoken to this dude in my life. He walks up, lights up his cigarette and says "you know, I think my severe arachnophobia has transformed into an arachnophilia. I've been watching a lot of spider hentai while masturbating."Then he then began to describe his new waifu pillow he bought. Her name and his plans to marry her.
I was speechless...
Edit: I work in a distribution warehouse for a clothing company. We were forklift drivers. He didn't last very long, but not because of things he said. He was constantly late for work, and twice a week he'd show up in Crocs, knowing damn well I've told him 100 times he needs closed toe shoes. I'd have to send him home to change shoes, I told him just keep a pair of shoes in his car so he has something to wear at work. Didn't work, and eventually I had to let him go for excessive tardiness and absenteeism.

Image credits: MarcusColwell
I was in a job interview once and the manager cut me off mid-sentence to jump to a weird conclusion>Him: What do you think the performance of this algorithm would be?
>Me: Oh, it'll be 'n' times--
>Him: Oh, you think it's going to be 'n'? You think it'll be 'n'??!! That's ridiculous, there's no way it would just be 'n'!
>Me: Uhhhh, you gotta let me finish speaking
He then cut me off mid sentence twice more during our conversation. We... didn't get along. Dude was a total tool

Image credits: ArrenEnladCG
New guy at work. Suuuper fake by being overly excited and super overly comfortable with everyone in the first minute. He's all "mami" this and "papi" that to everyone and very overly touchy (we were almost all Hispanics there and everyone was uncomfortable). First phone call of the day, he hangs up cursing and taking it super personally that someone hung up on him (daily occurrence in customer service). After about 6 months, I put in my 2 weeks notice solely because I couldn't work next to or with him anymore (he would also get overly gossipy and personal). My boss rejected my notice and transferred him. He couldn't stand the guy either. No one could.
Image credits: WanderingProdigy
It isn't so much what they say, it's how they say it.If the person has not learned to take a breath between natural breaks in what they're saying and, instead, continue to steamroll over a conversation, I'm tuning out.

Image credits: blanksix
Any time Jews come up in a conversation in a context other than the person telling you that they're Jewish it's usually bad.
Image credits: ontopofyourmom
Literally last night, was at a local pool comp and went to introduce myself to my second round opponent. We shake hands and his first words to me are “weak f*****g handshake bro” followed by “I hope you like banter mate” then proceeded to talk s**t about every aspect of my game. The worst part was he was actually good at pool so it just seems like he was generally a c**t. Some of his other opponents got it a lot worse than I did as well.Highlight of the night was when the comp host basically yelled in his face “everyone in this room f*****g hates you” which received a round of applause. He didn’t seem to understand why that was.
“Just banter bro” ?
Edit: Ahaha the comp is 90% regulars that are there every week. This was the guy’s first time playing there. He knew no one except for the couple of mates he brought. I can assure people calling me a liar that he was universally hated. He ended up losing the final which received more of a response than the host yelling at him but yeah lol. I don’t even know why I’m responding to this. I guess I have never had this much attention on anything I have ever shared on the internet.

Image credits: INYONOOS1
“Oh you’re a Scorpio? I can definitely tell because…”Girl only knew me for five minutes when she said that. It was a group project. I was forced to get along with her for the better part of a semester
This was in an astronomy class

Image credits: DramaticallyOxygen
Was a customer at work, naturally I wouldn’t be friends. But even in a setting where we could become friends it wasn’t happening. I came up to her to see if she had any questions about our critters (I work in a pet shop) and the very first thing she asked was if parakeets could talk because she wanted to teach them racial slurs. Biggest nope of my life.
Image credits: Quitechsol
They talk negatively about someone else in a very judgy way. There was this mom in my daughter's school who seemed to "know" everyone, she talked to me and she spoke so bad about these people. Then moments later I saw her interacting in a "friendly" way, with those she was judging. My eyes rolled so much I could see my brain telling me not to get involved with her. And I was right, because by the time school year ends, her "friends" hated her and they were talking behind her back too.
Image credits: eveningsand14-1311
Me at my first day on the job, on my lunch breakCoworker: Are you Chinese?
Me: Yeah
Coworker: I don’t like Chinese food -walks away-

Image credits: Tennisnerd39
Meet Your Teacher day before my kiddo started kindergarten and this other parent literally bragged that her kid was completely illiterate, couldn't stand being read to, and she hated reading too.
Image credits: porkchopcindy
"I hate that our boss is a chick. Bitches make the worst bosses."Lunch break of his first day on the job.

Image credits: MrsJuliusPepperwood
“I’m not racist but…”
Image credits: theWildBore
I knew I wasn't gonna like her based off her actions on her first day at work. We work with dogs at a daycare and boarding place. In the morning, during feedings, one of the first things she tried to do was get meds from the med cabinet. I tell her no, that's front desk, they handle medication. She just kinda nods. In my head, I'm like not sure why you are trying to pass out meds without anyone explaining anything to you, but okay, let's move on.Few days go by then one day, she asks if she's suppose to clean the water bowls we have in the dogs' suites overnight.(she was already told how to clean suites, which involve cleaning the bowls every morning) I just say yes.
She also asked me if she should clean the park water bowl after a dog peed in it. I again say yes.
She still works here, but no one likes her since she likes to pretend she knows what she's doing then asks questions that can be answered by having basic common sense and problem solving skills.

Image credits: loveallthedoggos13
Whenever someone is rude to the waiter/server/cashier.Instantly you are my enemy.
I was talking to a girl in college and she made some remark about, "yeah, like when you test your boyfriend to make sure he loves you" and I remember thinking, "you seemed so normal..."#24
"OH, we finally have a female manager? I hope she won't cry like the last one. Maybe she can get [male manager #1 and #2] organized."- My new male employee, referring to me, who he didn't realize was standing within earshot behind him.
Image credits: ClassicVegtableStew
"FOR THE NEXT THREE MONTHS THE FIRST AND LAST WORD OUT OF YOUR MISERABLE MOUTH WILL BE 'SIR'"I figured he must be angry about something do I tried to ask him what was wrong and if he wanted to talk about it, but he just kept getting madder and madder

Image credits: BabaYagaOfKaliYuga
I started my PhD a few months ago and one of a common starter conversation with postgraduates you just meet is: “what is your thesis about?”. Well, I get asked the question first and after describing my dissertation theme, the other guy goes:”oh I see, well mine is actually important…” with a very condescending tone. Well pal, f**k you too I guess
Image credits: Cynessi
Started at a new job, went for a team dinner and the very first thing he did was talk about how bad the dating scene was in the city and how "ugly" all the women are...Dating scene was absolutely fine btw, I pull out of the conversation and then he just continues to ramble on about how smart he is vs everyone else.. safe to say I've been avoiding him since

Image credits: zazileya
Asked a guy what he does at a business networking event."Well I'm a Chiropractor but looking to get out."
"how come?"
"All these me too accusations. In another State I had 3 of them. Good thing none of them went to the bar."
Edit: He probably said board instead of bar. As soon as he started complaining about me too accusations I pretty much tuned him out.

Image credits: IamAWorldChampionAMA
We had just moved into a new house. An older gentleman - he was 65 and I was 35 at the time - came across the street towards me and stuck out his hand. I shook it and he said "We love new neighbours! As long as they're white!"
Image credits: dekogeko
"I know I'm not supposed to ask, but I need to know. It's not for work or anything-- what religion are you?"- HR manager
Image credits: l0R3-R
The new neighbor who after introducing himself pointed to his chest and says, “ instant a*****e just add beer, that’s what the family says”. Nah we’re not gonna be neighbor pals. F**k you Irv you were an a*****e even without beer.
Image credits: WakingOwl1
Asked my new coworker what he likes to do for fun, he responded with “I like to memorize Bible versus in the shower” . I laughed, he did not. Weird dude.#33
Wasn't something they said, but they started grinding their teeth while talking and raising their voice to get their point across at the tiniest first disagreement.#34
Anything that starts with a look over both shoulders and a “since it’s just us” head nod that lets you know some racist ignorant s**t is coming. I was at my sister in law’s house at a housewarming when their new neighbor let fly right after he met me. He was trying to discretely talk to me and his friend who was also over. I did the “I don’t understand” trick where you keep asking them to explain the joke until it’s uncomfortable for everybody and starts drawing attention. Still hate that dude.#35
At a gym a guy I knew to be a drug dealer came up to me and opened with "Would you look at the tits on that." About a friend who was a police officer.Classless and ignorant, not a friend winning combo I'm afraid.
Only guy I've ever met who was every s**t male stereotype rolled into one.
I was the only woman at my last job and I was 2nd in seniority on our little crew. I did almost all of the training of the new people (all the younger guys loved me because I was like mom to the crew. Always had snacks and would always listen when they were having a problem or whatever). My biggest problems were usually with guys in their mid 30’s. In the morning meeting the bosses told everyone their job assignments. As we were walking out of the shop he said “yeah like I’m going to listen to some snot nosed 24 year old chick.” to one of the older guys and the older guy turned at looked at him and said “I suggest you say that to her face. And if I were you, I wouldn’t p**s her off. We will always like her more than we will ever like you.” And he was an absolute d**k to work with and never listened to anybody except for the managers. Lasted about 3 weeks. Still dislike that guy.My favourite was when my husband and I were working together for a bit (he worked there before and we needed help so he came in on days off to lend a hand) and the one guy I was having issues with at the time said I was a huge b***h and he didn’t understand why they didn’t just fire me aside from my tits (thinking this new guy would be his friend). Husband listened to him all day and didn’t say a word. At the end of the day when the entire crew was filling out time cards he looks at the guy and says “thank you for telling me all day how much of a b***h my wife is. But you’re right, she does have great tits.”
1. 'I don't like women who burp. They should be ladylike'2. 'Black people can't be racist'
3. 'you're going to hell if you don't believe in god'
All three were said by different people and they were all serious their statements.
Girl: I have two siblings. How many siblings do you have?Me: I have 10 siblings. But I only associate with my twin now.
Girl(disgusted): Jeez! Your mom should close her legs! I bet you don't even share a father with all of them.
Me: .... You're a b***h. *Walks away*
I didn't want to respond to the actual statement because out of those 10 the only full blooded relative I had was my twin. 6 were half, 3 were step and 1 adopted.
I think that whole conversation lasted less than 30 seconds.. it was supposed to be a simple icebreaker and that single question told me everything about her personality and who she was. A b***h.
My new neighbor moved in and avoided contact for the first week or so before walking over to us while my wife and I were doing some yard work. He says "I've got my lady hollering at me to come to the hospital. She's having our kid.""Oh congrats," I said.
"I hope it's not mine." He says.
Do they have to talk? Does nodding and smiling count?There was this dude I knew who was a total bullshitter. This dude was like that door from Labyrinth who never told the truth. You could bet money that if his lips were in motion, he was telling a story that straight up did not happen.
One night, my friend and I bumped into him at 7-11, and he got out of his car to tell us some horseshit about getting pulled over and schooling the cop who did it about regulations (yes, homie was obviously white). Out of the passenger side emerged this girl....
To this day, I still don't understand my reaction to this chick. She was listening to his stupid s**t, nodding along to all the right beats and laughing in all the right places. And there was something about her that made me see red.
As in, I'm watching this girl go along with this obvious b******t, and my hearing starts to go. I no longer hear this dipshit talking, I only see this creature that looks human, but whatever is behind those eyes was... something evil. I felt like a paladin looking at a minor demon. A disgusting creature. Like I was looking at a snake. This creature was false in every sense of the word. The loudmouth doing the talking was just full of s**t; that's how he was and what he did. Nobody took him seriously. This nodding thing, however... it was dishonest in a whole different way; one that made me feel actively hostile.
I'm an extrovert. People are my thing. I people for a living, and I people for fun. Never before that or since have I ever met someone who I never wanted to see again so hard, and I don't think she even said a word.
Edit: I guess I'm a crazy misogynist now.
at his wife's birthday party, met the husband for the first time, a Trump fan, I was able to let that go... but then the recent Aussie wildfires came up...How do they know [climate change] isn't something that happened regularly?after I explained 3 different points of how climate can be measured over recent years, decades and millennia, he doubled down on the disbelief of science
am forced to interact with him because his wife is in my wife's circle of friends, but avoid if possible
Polish girl in my class proceeded to tell me, a Scottish person, that Japanese whisky is better than Scottish whisky. I'm all up for a lively discussion but when asked for names of either Japanese or Scottish whiskies she had tried she "couldn't remember". When asked why she believed this to be so she "didn't know". Well f*****g shut up then ya cow.I'm old af and she was very 20 and full of shite. Some of the stuff she'd talk about made me cringe so we don't associate anymore, who has the energy or time to listen to that shite.
Edit: Just because I've said this a few times I'll edit it here - **I am no whisky expert or connoisseur, I am not saying Scottish whisky is better than Japanese whisky or vice versa, it's subjective, everyone will like different things. I would have totally been up for a discussion with her regarding what she has tried, what I have tried and f**k it, let's try this together but instead the 'I don't know/I don't remember' really got my back up.**
Out to dinner with my husband’s new coworker and his wife. The wife was a vegan and she ordered just guacamole at the Mexican restaurant. When it comes, she calmly says “oh. I forgot I’m allergic to avocados.” I looked over at my husband and gave him the “I want to go home now” look. We stayed for the rest of dinner and immediately went home. Side note, the husband forgot she was vegan and kept calling her a vegetarian. They got divorced 1.5 years after that dinner.#44
"No one wants to work anymore, I've been here fifteen years and I've never called in sick. I had a fever and I came in and powered through it."I said I was sorry that he couldn't afford to miss a shift and he got all offended. It was genuinely a point of pride for him to work while sick. Absolutely disgusting.
"You don't scare me."Wasn't trying to scare you in the slightest.
If a man calls a woman a “female” it’s an automatic “nope”#47
Have you read anything about flat earth theory?#48
I met one of my new colleagues at a barbecue that was being hosted by our work. I (a man) drove with another coworker (a woman and a friend of mine), so we arrived together.When I was alone for a moment this guy, whom I’ve never spoken to before, comes up next to me and says “yo dude…you hittin’ that?” *gestures to my friend* I said “no, and she also has a boyfriend”
He very exaggeratedly says “*DAMN*”
Yada yada he got fired 2 years later for sexually harassing an intern

Image credits: UptownShenanigans
She showed up to a little get together and the person who invited her said that they would be taking bets on who could sit with her for more then 30 minutes.10 bucks per person, winner kept the pot.
I assumed they were just being rude and planned to tell her of her "friends" plans as soon as she showed up.
She walked in, looked at me and scoffed and asked if the grey car outside belonged to me, I said yes. She told me that with the money that car cost I could have bought something nicer.
Ok, well whatever.
I went to get a drink and sat to watch the crowd gather around her.
I already didn't like her but she went on to tell everyone about how she could never date someone who had a crappy credit score or couldn't pay their vehicles off after buying it, someone who wanted to quit the contest asked for a cigarette, she opened up her purse and showed everyone a fresh pack of smokes and then told everyone why she doesn't smoke and why anyone who asks for a cigarette is either too broke to buy them or doesn't plan ahead of times.
The guy asked her for one of her cigarettes, she said no and put them back in her purse.
She talked about all the cars she "bought" basically her parents would co-sign for her and pay the car off to build her credit and she would give them a few thousand to pay them back.
She was nuts and wouldn't stop talking. I disliked her but was also fascinated with her, she was super weird.
So I have gotten a few questions about this girl and that night. Also who is Gina?
There was something like 15-20 people there and most entered the "contest" I think the pot got up to 100-120 bucks.
The winner was just some guy who I didn't know, he spent the money getting every one McDonald's and beer, so he was pretty cool.
She was about 22-23, she had just finished getting her High School Diploma because she had dropped out to "make money" according to her, I think she sold some milk shake things and fitness plans with some MLM.
For those wondering what happened to her, im not 100% what happened to her, she wasn't a my friend but she did show up to a few parties I was at and she seemed calmer she used to bring her own bottle of liquor and wouldn't share which was kind of funny because on one occasion they caught her filling her bottle with a bottle of jack that some one had brought and left on the kitchen counter, but she swore that all she drank was Hennessey and Fireball.

Image credits: Commentingunreddit
He learned I'm a physicist, and immediately started talking about infinite energy
Image credits: fdf_akd
When i was an intern in like 2017, i used to carpool in a packed car of other interns, mixed gender group.First day this girl asks the whole car, but shes only directing it to the guys, "Do you think Kendall or Kylie is hotter?"
Absolute silence for several minutes.
Edit: to answer some questions. No celebrity gossip isnt a moral failing but it was a super awkward question because when stuff crosses over into a conversation of physical attractiveness with a bunch of new coworkers, its uncomfortable.. also in my case, small talk with this girl was always awkward and we never got along in the 6month internship. She also ended up being really rude and catty sometimes.
Years ago, me and my ex-husband went to see a movie with an older colleague of his. Before the movie we had dinner at like a chain restaurant/steakhouse type place, staff on the floor was all 20ish. I never met this man before but in the first few minutes of sitting down and looking at the menu he very confidently told us how he came there a lot and flirted with the female staff because "they love the attention". The best part? His daughter worked there. All I could think was how I would literally cringe myself through the floor if I was 20 and my 50yo dad came into my place of work and perved on my co-workers because he didn't understand that they only put up with him 'cause they are paid to do so.#53
Parent of one of my kids friends at school. Said there was a mouse in their house and his wife wanted him to kill it but he didn’t want to kill any creatures - he wants to make friends with them instead. But wife insisted so he threw his shoe at it and eventually managed to hit it, but it wasn’t dead, so he threw his shoe at it another 4 times. It still wasn’t dead so he poured boiling water over it to kill it. It still didn’t die so he poured boiling water over it again. It STILL wasn’t dead so he decided to leave it alone in the hopes that it would peacefully pass away.The logic of being too squeamish to kill something, and instead decide to torture it to death slowly in the most agonisingly painful way absolutely blew my mind.
New girl at my job. I asked her how her training videos were going and she rambled for about 30 seconds about how her old professors bred horses.She ended up being my least favorite coworker.
"we need to start doing..."it was the assistant my work at the time transfered to work with me... literally first minute he was telling me how to fix my site. the one he knew next to nothing about
I used to play the drums and jump around in different bands to find one that fit. One guitarist, and I’ll never forget it, said, “I don’t know what it is, but black women’s pussy smells so bad.” It also came out of nowhere since we were talking about music during a practice. I never saw him again. I also apologize for having to repeat it.#57
There's a certain type of cringy weirdo that I just seem to be a f*****g beacon for. Think a socially stunted weeb, or the kind of person who talks just a little too loud about things that are just a little too private to be telling you. Or maybe the kind of person who just kind of never shuts the f**k up. I don't know how I'd describe them exactly, but it's that sort of annoying person. Every time I meet one of them they just gravitate straight towards me. I do not like them, and my immediate first thought is "oh god, one of *them*". Whenever I meet one, I know I won't like them and I've never been wrong yet.Funnily enough, the last two times it happened they were both curly haired white girls named Jessica.
I remember seeing someone for around 20 seconds (They didn't seem aware of my presence) and they were already making fun of me because I simply walked by. They made fun of other people too, but the fact that they just met someone and immediately targetted them for harassment is a red flag bigger than most poles can handle#59
"I decided to talk to you because you seemed like the smartest one in the room"#60
First day of my sophomore year of college, I immediately noticed the R.A. for my suite had a habit of responding with "What?" every time he was spoken to unprompted, forcing the person to repeat themselves. By the end of the day I straight wanted to murder this dude.#61
She was complaining the 15 year old kid who just fled from the war in Ukraine wasn't working hard enough at his dishwashing job.The kid doesn't want to be alone in a dishwashing kitchen all day, not able to speak to anyone. He should be in school at home with all his friends! Of course he's not excited about the stupid dishes!
The lack of compassion was astounding. And she was indeed a wretched person, so my initial impression was totally correct.
“Some people might say I’m an a*****e but I just tell it how it is.”99% chance they are an a*****e that I don’t want to be around
Told me "Yeah all women are bitches, you included. No offense." Within the first 2 minutes of knowing me.#64
I’m a female person. I once met a woman who told me she hates women and has no female friends because women are too much drama and she’s just one of the guys.Ok. Got it. ?
2004, first day in my college dorms, and the very first words my new roommate says to me (after “Hi, I’m [name]”) were “You’re a republican, right?”I didn’t want to cause problems within the first minute of meeting, and I didn’t really follow politics too closely at the time, so I just said “Sure” to keep the peace… Then he slapped a “proud republicans” sticker on the front of our door.
It was not a great year.
“well, I’m a taxpayer, so……”#67
Went to the penthouse party of a guy my friend used to hook up with. This dude gave me Patrick Bateman vibes, from his house decor to the way he talked. Total creep. The only time he spoke directly to me the entire party he was making fun of homeless people. I did not like him.#68
They tried to convince me that Hitler had some good points... I think he's in jail now#69
“License and registration please “#70
Had just started a job, and within a minute of meeting one of my new colleagues he waxes lyrical about how "weak" it is that one of our other colleagues uses an inhaler, oblivious to the fact I myself use an inhaler (though my asthma is mild and well managed). Ironically, the s**t talking colleague in question had no discernible chin and looked very out of shape himself.#71
"I like people - I really do, but after about a minute - minute and a half I gotta get the f**k outta there"George Carlin
"I'm an equal-opportunity offender. I offend everybody equally!"(Says something racist.) (Says something homophobic.) (Says something sexist.)
Was out to eat with this person and they chewed with their mouth open. Yea our friendship didn’t stand a chance…#74
“I’m going to f**k up your face”#75
I met this guy at a bar and I was moderately interested in him but when we started texting throughout the following week idk I was REALLY into him to the point where I sent him a few pics of my chest.. and then one day he went on some tangent about how the vaccines are bad for you etc etc..… I’m an RN and I was so embarrassed that I sent him my jugs without properly moons sure he wasnt a lunatic
Edit: I meant “making” not moons smh lol
It’s all about the tone for me.#77
They didn't know what WWII was, who hitler was, or why Nazis were bad. She thought it was a slur for "white person" because she kept seeing it on the news and online.#78
This is going to be tame compared to the others here.So my job involves me calling people to help them with their problems (not cold calling, they've contacted us for help first). Each day I have a long-a*s list and want to get through it as fast as possible, so shorter phone calls are best.
So when someone starts a conversation with "Okay, I'll try to keep this short..." I already know I won't like them, because that's code for "I'm gonna tell you my life story and I won't take a single breath throughout."