Catching up with the Kelnhofers-113

This week on Catching up with the Kelnhofers, I’m cooking with cranberries.  And, as always, sharing the latest posts from the blog and this week, there is one you don’t want to miss if you’re on the hunt for a family Halloween costume. Phi and Frankie

This week, I found a random bag of cranberries in my freezer and ended up making some cookies – keep reading to check out the full recipe.  But it got me thinking about all of the delicious things I love to make with cranberries!

Cranberry recipes
Steak tacos with cranberry salsa | Cranberry walnut crumb bars | Pork with cranberry

Cranberries are a big deal in Wisconsin – I even got to visit a bog a few years ago!

New on the blog header

Sharing the latest posts up on

New posts on the blog
Parmesan chorizo muffins | Family Halloween costume DIY | Cheesy cornbread dipping sticks

What I made newsletter header

Pork, potatoes and carrots
Carrots | Roasted potatoes | Balsamic glazed pork
  • Made an air fryer turkey breast for sandwiches – was only able to find turkey breast at a butcher, but man is this easy recipe delicious!!!
Air Fryer turkey breast
Air Fryer turkey breast
Broccoli and chicken freezer meal
Chicken broccoli Alfredo freezer meal
Kids making cookies
Chocolate chip cranberry cookies recipe

Reader comments header

I mentioned these cookies just above and if you need another reason why you should make them, check out what a reader has to say:

  • “Absolutely delicious. Great texture and not too sweet. Will be part of my fall baking repertoire.”
Chocolate chip cranberry cookies
Chocolate chip cranberry cookies recipe

Reader Recreations Header

If you’re into football and need a good game day recipe, try some loaded tots – just like the reader re-creation below:

Loaded Tater Tots

Amazon item you didn't know you needed header

  • Bridget (a member on the SweetPhi team) said that, for Kindergarten, her son was required to have his own pair of headphones and she highly recommended these. Plus, they are great if you’re going on a road trip or even just have multiple kids who are fighting over what to watch for their allotted screen time!
Blue headphones

What I'm Reading header

All Adults Here
All Adults Here
    • “In All Adults Here, Emma Straub’s unique alchemy of wisdom, humor, and insight come together in a deeply satisfying story about adult siblings, aging parents, high school boyfriends, middle school mean girls, the lifelong effects of birth order, and all the other things that follow us into adulthood, whether we like them to or not.”
  • Patiently waiting on my library loan of, Laine Moriarty’s Apples Never Fall and I cannot wait!
Apples Never Fall
Apples Never Fall
  • Just started listening to Normal People by Sally Rooney, recommended by a friend!
Normal People book cover
Normal People

Personal Stories header

  • Haircuts– The big event that happened this past week was getting the kids haircuts!! Mainly the boys (Freddie REALLY needed one), but Frankie got a “trim” too because she didn’t want to be left out. We went to Halo Hair Design – and had such a good experience! One never knows what to expect with kids’ haircuts, sometimes they freak out, but all the kids did so good and Molly cut their hair so expertly. Freddie was so proud of his new haircut and kept smiling. 

Kids Haircuts

  • Then we went home and had a surprise visit with grandpa and enjoyed a little frozen yogurt. 

Grandpa and Grandkids

  • Wedding – One of Nick’s friends had a beautiful Armenian wedding, I love weddings. I cried when the groom gave his mom a hug at the end (usually I would cry during the ceremony, funny how things change when you’re a parent).


  • Getting ready for Halloween – it was super gloomy out so we drove around looking at “spooky houses” as Freddie calls them (halloween decorations). And then we decorated little pumpkins to hang on our banner we have (it still had balloons on it from the kids’ birthdays in June, oops lol).

Halloween crafts

Weekly Meal Plan

Just a reminder, we have an amazing meal plan that we publish weekly, every Saturday.  With each plan, you’ll get 5 days of breakfasts, lunches, dinners, and a treat… And, a super easy to create grocery list.

Air Fryer
Air Fryer

One of my favorite recipes I always forget about is these Air Fryer falafel balls – y’all know how much I love my Air Fryer!

The Final Note header


  • We had burgers for dinner and for dessert the kids were having fruit popsicles. Frankie ended up wanting more burger over popsicles!!
Burger seasoning mix
Burger seasoning mix


  • SNL is back! The first episode of the season with Owen Wilson was so good!!
Saturday Night Live


  • I saw somewhere that strawberries last 3 times as long if stored in glass vs. the plastic container they come in, so Frankie and Freddie helped me. We used our favorite kid safe knives and stored them in big Weck jars.  We never found out if they last longer because the kids ate the whole container in 1 meal, lol. 
Toddler cutting strawberries
Kids safe knives | Weck jars

Are you getting ready for Halloween? Just leave a comment below and let me know!

The post Catching up with the Kelnhofers-113 appeared first on Sweetphi.