New Hampshire Unit
New Hampshire is one of the states the kids and I studied back in our first attempts at geography lessons as we studied our way through United States geography. So while I wrote about a few of the individual books we read, I somehow never wrote a summary post of our New Hampshire Unit. So here were are 10 years later finally writing up our New Hampshire unit. Better late than never.

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New Hampshire Unit Resources
I started off with a quick search about New Hampshire:
New Hampshire videos
All right, first is the one that’s a bit more educational and aimed at elementary kids, which I show my teens if I want them to hate me:
Now, if I want to give my kids an idea of what New Hampshire is like, and a bit of snark, because they’re teens and that’s all they have, snark.
They may have learned that from someone, why are you pointing at me?
Okay, it’s me, I’m totally to blame for the snark.
As you can see, there is just a bit of difference in the attitude of these two videos.
New Hampshire booklist
This was fun to do, because we studied New Hampshire years ago when the kids were super little, so I got to revisit a couple of books I super loved

- The New Hampshire Colony– admittedly we didn’t do much about this, but a good overview of colonial history
- Tuttle’s Red Barn– I LOVE this book, as it covers the story of this farm OVER 200 years of history owned by one family, sadly it was sold from the family in the early 2000s, back when the kids were little we did a chronology lesson with it
- Old Home Day– sadly out of print, but it’s such a cute story following a small town in New Hampshire as it grows, shrinks, and adapts to changes
- Papa is a Poet: a story about Robert Frost-I’m indifferent to Robert Frost as a poet, but I see his value
- Tomie DePaola’s Front Porch Tales and North Country Whoppers– anything by Tomie DePaola is worth checking out
New Hampshire unit recipe: Buttery Shortbread cookies
I did a quick search and found this website of New Hampshire recipes, and since I had our homeschool co-op monthly meeting, and I rarely remember to bring a dessert, I decided to make the buttery shortbread cookies.

Ha, okay future Ticia of 9 months later has since realized that the recipes I was finding for states when I googled “state recipe” were not actually from the state, you know what it was?
It was users on all recipe who lived in that state and had submitted the recipe.
Even if these are listed as New Hampshire recipes, I don’t know how much I believe the recipe.
That and somehow the recipe I have saved that is supposedly from New Hampshire… It’s not a cookie recipe, it’s a random dish. I really don’t know where it came from.
So, no recipe to share for you. If you want, you can try that cookie recipe I did not actually cook apparently.
New Hampshire notebooking pages
We grabbed our United States notebooking pages (those are free for newsletter subscribers, you’ll get a coupon during the welcome series).

As a result of watching the Unboxing video of New Hampshire we got some slightly darker facts…
- There are no seat belt laws, I’m a big fan of seat belts because the only reason my Mom lived through a car accident where her car rolled 1.5 times is her seat belt
- It is the heroin capital of the nation, not a good record to hold
- From our over 10 years ago study, there is a rock feature called Old Man in the Mountain
I do also have a New Hampshire state facts minibook that is uploaded to the subscriber page, but my high schoolers think those are stupid and I forgot to print it off when making my book, and I’m a bit behind on writing stuff.
So behind…
All in all, it was a fun quick mini-unit, and now I’m off to go get a bit more Christmas stuff done, better schedule this out…
Lots of great learning ideas here
- Body of Christ lesson
- 7th grade books made into movies
- Great Depression Dice Game
- Mad Scientist Birthday present
- King Tut tomb art history lesson

“Market Square, Portsmouth, New Hampshire [Explore 4/14/14]” by Joe Parks is licensed under CC BY-NC 2.0.
The post New Hampshire Unit appeared first on Adventures in a Messy Life.