Teach Kids about Pollution

Find out what pollution is, why it’s harmful and what we can do to reduce it with these simple but effective pollution activities. They are all great for teaching kids about pollution in a fun, hands-on way.

Plastic pollution has become a huge global problem. A lot of plastic rubbish ends up in the oceans where it not only impacts marine life immediately but also builds up in the food chain causing unknown damage to human health. It’s a crisis we all need to pull together to solve and that means educating people around us!

Turtle with a plastic bag in its mouth

Would you want to swim in a swimming pool full of rubbish?

Swimming pool full of water bottles

Pollution activities for 3-5 year olds

This simple visual demonstration of marine pollution is great for younger children to really see the impact of plastic waste on marine life.

Sea Pollution Small Play set up

Make a plastic pledge to encourage children to think about changes they can make to reduce plastic waste.

Plastic pledge list for children to print and complete.

This activity from Kindergarten Worksheets and Games uses celery and coloured water to demonstrate the effect of pollution on water sources. It’s a very visual demonstration of the effects of water pollution on plants.

The effects of pollution on wildlife can be scary for little ones, but we can make a difference if we all make changes in how we live.

Pollution Activities for 6-10 year olds

Set up a pretend oil spill using cooking oil for children to clean up!

oil spill activity. Image shows a glass tray filled with blue water and a layer of vegetable oil floating on the top.

Create your own water filter using filter paper, stones and sand.

Water filter science experiment using a funnel, filter paper and stones

Set up a sorting activity where children group items from their kitchen cupboard depending on whether they are recyclable or not.

Pollution Activities for 11-15 Year Olds

Have a recycled fashion show with clothes and accessories made from plastic rubbish!

Find at item of clothing that’s too small and turn it into something new, for example jeans into shorts or a skirt.

Write to shops and companies who aren’t yet using recyclable or biodegradable packaging.

Set up a second hand swap. this works really well for things like Halloween costumes and Christmas jumpers that aren’t worn very much.

Websites for teaching kids about pollution

Kids Against Plastic is a great charity full of ideas and inspiration for how to take action against plastic pollution!

Watch the video and read the facts in this article from the WWF to see just how real the plastic pollution problem really is!

Surfers Against Sewage have some brilliant water pollution lesson plans and printable resources to work through.

Greenpeace have lots of great initiatives you can join to help us move towards a plastic free future. Will you join them?

Finally, don’t forget to look through my other climate change activities and resources.

Collage of different activity ideas for teaching kids about pollution.

The post Teach Kids about Pollution appeared first on Science Experiments for Kids.