Types of Evergreen Trees
Children are naturally curious about the world. Expand this curiosity by encouraging your little scientists to explore the different types of evergreen trees in your yard and neighborhood. Consider a trip to a local tree farm for a fun, learning experience!

Activity: Observing Different Types of Evergreen Trees
Lesson Objectives: Collect and Compare 3 or more Evergreen Tree leaves. Materials needed: Paper Pencil Access to evergreen trees
Directions for Observing Types of Evergreen Trees
1. Take a walk in your neighborhood park, backyard, or local tree farm.
2. Gather a variety of evergreen leaves. Always ask permission if the trees are not yours.
3. Observe the differences and similarities in the leaves.
4. Record your findings in your science journal.
Evergreen Tree Activity Extension:
Choose 2 different leaves and create a venn diagram. Compare and contrast the two leaves and write your observations in the graphic organizer.
Teacher Notes about Types of Evergreen Trees
An Evergreen tree is a tree that has leaves year round that are always green. There are many different varieties of evergreen trees. Most are conifers (meaning they have cones)
Their leaves have different colors and shapes including needle-like and scale-like leaves.
Some varieties of evergreen trees include:
- hemlock blue
- source
- red cedar
- jack pine
- holly
Needles in clusters of 2-5, are most likely pine.
Flattened scale-like green sprays are most likely a cedar.
Bluish scale-like may be a juniper.

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Explore evergreen trees
Read Christmas books and search for tree pictures.
Download all the printables for these activities here.
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