39 Little Jobs to Do at Home During Covid-19
So it looks like we are going to be at home for quite a while yet! But looking on the sunny side of things, think of all those small jobs that you could get done around the house that you have been putting off forever!
Clean the Ceiling Fans from Dust Clean and wash all of the light fittings Clean out your wardrobe and place any items the family doesn’t wear into a bag to give to charity. Organise your bookshelves Clean out the fridge Straighten up the pantry Clean the windows Go through your makeup bag and toss anything that you don’t use Clean out the kids toy box Weed the garden Fertilise all of your plants Start a vegetable garden Check on your neighbours Sort out your photographs and upload them all to the cloud Sort out your tax receipts Finish painting that room you’ve been meaning to do Clean out the garden shed Place any unused items on Ebay or Gumtree Re-arrange your linen press Clean the barbecue Clean the oven Wash the window screens Remove all the filters from the air conditioner and give them a wash Put together all the matching sheet sets Clean the blinds or curtains Refold all the clothing in drawers Go through the medicine cabinet and throw out anything that is out of date Clean out under the bathroom sinks Finish any ironing from the ironing basket Pressure clean any outdoor concrete areas Clean any mirrors in the house with glass cleaner Change any light bulbs that need replacing Give light switches a good clean over with a bit of Dettol Go through your spice cupboard and ditch anything you can’t remember using File any papers laying around Clean the kitchen backsplash Rent a carpet cleaner and do all the carpet, rugs and lounge suites Wash mattress covers and pillows Move furniture and vacuum underneath Cobweb the house Teach the kids how to play Blackjack Got more to add? Let us know!
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