Fresh Milk | 15 Home & Kitchen Projects To Tackle While Social Distancing
I’m not sure about your house, but I tell you what — my apartment in Paris has never been cleaner. I think that’s what happens when your husband and kid are an ocean away, and you’re on lockdown. I know many of you are more stretched than ever with work, kids schooling, and homelife newly intermingled for the foreseeable future. So if the idea of sitting down with this list of 15 kitchen and home projects I rounded up to freshen your currently very permanent residence makes you want to hide under the covers… I get it.
In that case, my suggestion is to pick one. Maybe one a week. Trust me, you’ll feel a teensy bit better about the state of life if you can get a little bit of fresh perspective. Just knowing something is super clean makes me feel good. Seeing the same art on a different wall in a different room makes me feel newly inspired. Chopping vegetables for yet another meal alone with a freshly sharpened knife makes me feel more in control. A little bit of control right now can go a long way. And if no one’s told you today, you’ve got this.
15 Home & Kitchen Projects To Tackle While Social Distancing Clean and care for your wooden kitchen tools. Rearrange a room in the house. Or, rearrange your wall art! Repot plants that seem glum or have outgrown their pot. Sharpen those dull kitchen knives. Clean your sheet pans (for real). 10 ways to reorganize your bookshelves. Reorganize your open shelving in the kitchen. Purge, re-stock, and organize your spice cabinet. Make these easy preserved lemons to cook with (and have as a bit of sunshine on a shelf). Switch to smart plugs for electronics like lamps and televisions so you can touch stuff less. Help yourself transition from day to night with some homemade beeswax candles. Try these 5 ways to refresh your home for spring. Season and maintain your cast iron cookware. Switch your cooking oils to display friendly bottles with a pour spout.
Take care, stay safe, stay sane, and stay healthy.
Xo – Beth