Organizing and Cleaning my Catch all Closet: Before and After

I guess you can call this closet my catch all closet. This closet can hold presents, food, my dress clothes, and coffee makers (we don't have a basement). Yes, it's my catch all closet for sure. Today I decided to clean it when I realized it looked like this! Apparently we have just thrown things in there without a thought. To make matters worse we also have a little boy, girl, and cat who love to hide in there too!

I started with the food and decided to just keep going. Oh, how I wanted to quit!

Who knew I had five maple syrups? I also found some more shelf stable milk that was on it's last few days, so that led to this.

Now my yogurt is made for the week!

Then I found a's kind of Spring looking for the winter but my purse I carry has a broken zipper. I even found some money for my piggy bank!

So here is the before again:

Then the after:

Finally a couple of hours later I'm done. It's still a catchall closet but we now can walk through it and find something! Now on to that spice cabinet I've got on my goal list for the week. Maybe tomorrow.

I love Spring cleaning in the winter. Have you started?

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