The 10 Best Wines Under $13, and The Winner Is a $6 Walmart Classic

Decanter'sWorld Wine Awards 2016provided every grape-lover with a list of the utmost importance. They've taken the time and effort to identify ten wines that all cost under ten British pounds.
While we wish we could say ten American dollars, the following wines will still cost you no more than $13. Grab a glass and the spare change between your couch cushions for this one, folks.
Best Cheap Wine
1. Asda, La Moneda Reserva Malbec 2015
Price: $5.45
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Eu tinha lido uma matria sobre este vinho, e no ms passado, eu encontrei o dito cujo no SAMS CLUB, e resolvi comprar para experimentar, gostei muito. Hoje repeti a dose! Comprei novamente. Segundo site da revista Glamour este considerado um dos melhores vinhos do mundo e o preo bem em conta, abaixo de trinta reais. Se voc aprecia e pode tomar vinho eis a uma boa sugesto, e no precisa mais ir aos EUA ou Inglaterra para comprar. Veja a matria da revista que transcrevi a seguir Se voc ama vinho bom e barato e est de passagem comprada para os Estados Unidos, attention please: a marca chilena La Moneda Reserva's Malbec foi listada entre as melhores do mundo pela revista especialista "Decanter" no fim do ano passado. Recentemente, o tinto de US$ 7 (R$ 23) passou a ser vendido na Walmart dos EUA; at ento s estava venda na Asda, subsidiria da rede de supermercados que s existe no Reino Unido. De acordo com "Pop Sugar", o vinho foi descrito como um "roxo profundo com matizes de violeta, taninos com textura aveludada e aromas de ameixa, figo e morango." Em tempo: mais de 200 vinhos foram degustados s cegas pelo jri, reforando como nem sempre vinho caro sinnimo de qualidade. Paguei um pouco mais de R$ 23,00, mas no me recordo exatamente, e no encontrei meu ticket de compras. O que esta sendo vendido da safra de 2017. #lamonedareserva #lamoneda #malbec #vinho #wine #donadecasacomamor
This wine comes from Chile's Central Valley. Decanter describes its composition, as it hasan "exciting nose of freshly crushed black fruit, creamy vanilla yoghurt and pepper spice."
This is the $6 Walmart wine that took home the gold, y'all.
2. Cono Sur, Single Vineyard Block 23 Rulos del Alto Riesling 2015
Price: $12.45
If you're like us, you'll never pass up a wine from theBo Bo Valley of Chile.
Spicy lime and baked apple will hit your nose with this one, and you'll highly enjoy its tangerine-based freshness.
3. Miguel Torres, Das de Verano Reserva Muscat 2015
Price: $9.96 to $11.20
This one has "lots of personality and juiciness." In it, you'll taste "herbs, grapegruit, fresh grape, white flower and spicy ginger."
4. Pure Provence, Ctes de Provence 2015
Price: $11.20
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This pretty much lived up to the hype from @decanter (96 Points + Platinum Best in Show DWWA 2016) Definitely one of the nicer Provence ross we enjoyed this summer, and perfect for a #tbt post Pure Provence Ros 2015 . . . #wine #instawine #winestagram #corkdork #winegeek #winenerd #thewinepoor #winerylovers #winelovers #draaaaanks #ros #rose #rosallday #rosalldamnday #yeswayros #realmendrinkpink #provence #provenceros #pureprovence #grenache #syrah #cinsault
This wine looks as pretty as it tastes. The rose fruit flavor of this one is complimented by cherry and backed by an almond-based richness.
Oh, and if you couldn't tell it's from Provence, France.
5. Domaine d'Orfeuilles, Les Coudraies Vouvray 2014
Price: $12.40
Are you a fan of wet wool? If so, this one's for you.
It has "acacia, honey, lanolin, apple and greengage with smoky notes and a little wet wool coming through." (Mmm, wet wool.)
6. Laudun Chusclan Vignerons, Cinq Cpages Ctes du Rhne 2015
Price: $11.21
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Har hmtat hem den nya blandldan (nr 3 lnk -> ) frn Pompette Dryckeshandel. Spnnande innehll med tv olika producenter frn Rhone och Beaujolais. Franck Balthazar frn Cornas med sin Cotes-du-Rhone och Chteau Thivin frn Cte de Brouilly med tv olika viner. Pompette levererar till nrmaste systembolag s enkelt att bestlla via bestllningssortimentet, nr 70980, 1488:-). #ctedebrouilly2014 #franckbalthazar #chateauthivin #pompettedryckeshandel #cotesdurhone2015
This wine has an "assertive apple nose," and if that doesn't make you laugh you're probably just more mature than we are.
Pear and white strawberry flavors finish this one out.
7. Pais De Poetas, Merlot 2014
Price: $7.41
Here's another from Chile's Central Valley. Pais de Poetas has notes of "mature strawberry combined with exquisite black plum [which leads] to a spicy fresh finish."
8. Sileni, Cellar Selection Merlot 2014
Price: $10.28 to $10.59
Hawke's Bay, New Zealand produces some great glasses of wine, and this Merlot is no different.
It's perfectly dry and will go over quite well in a crowd of wine novices and experts alike.
9. Trivento, Reserve Malbec, Lujn de Cuyo 2015
Price: $7.48 to $9.97
Sometimes we simply love reading wine descriptions. Here's a good'un from Decanter about this Argentinian wine:
"Gorgeous nose exhibiting an array of aromas such as peppery mulberry, sour and black cherry, violet and a subtle touch of wild strawberry jam. The palate is full, complex, with a fantastic energy and bursting with ripe dark plums; tannins are impressively silky and freshness is amazing."
10. Vidal-Fleury, Ctes du Rhne 2013
Price: $7.46
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Today a friend stopped by. Such a pleasant surprise. Of course we needed to celebrate. We got out this lovely #frenchwine. #ventoux #vidalfleurycotesdurhone #vidalfleury #redwine from 2014. #rdvin #wineonmytime #onceuponawine #winefortheheart #whatidrinktoday #whatidrink #lillering #wine #vin #drinkingwine #womenwholovewine #heartneedswine #winedrinker #wino #winesnob #winesnobbery #wineaddict #winelover #winesofinstagram #winestagram #instawine
"[W]hite pepper, graphite notes and bright red fruit" will hit your nose with this one, with "with black cherry and dark, muscular berry fruit, crisp acid and some neat, grippy, slightly salted tannins" on the palate
Oh, and it will cost you less than one $8 bill. (No, thosedon'texist.)
Hey, nothing beats a quick buzz from cheap red wine or white wine while you're cleaning the house. Save your wine money on dinner parties and wine tasting tours for your next trip to California. You'll find joy in cheap bottles of pinot noir, pinot grigio, and chardonnay that you can pick up from Trader Joe's and Walmart.
Pour a Glass and Shop
1. AmazonBasics All-Purpose Wine Glasses, 19-Ounce, Set of 4

If you need to add wine glasses to your cabinet, consider these. Here's what I use to enjoy a nice glass of blackberry and raspberry wine.
2. Champagne Flutes, Edge Champagne Glass Set of 4

Some nights call for bubbly instead of sauvignon blanc. Enjoy a mimosa out of a new champagne flute.
3. Winemakers Depot 3 Gallon Glass Wine Making Equipment Kit

Have you ever wanted to make your own wine? Find a red blend recipe and get to it.

I love bringing these out for dinner parties.
5. Wine Folly: Magnum Edition: The Master Guide

Here's what you need to become an expert on wine. Have you ever been confused with the term minerality or aren't sure what the difference is between certain bottles? Pour a glass of zinfandel and learn about wine.
This post was originally posted on February 22, 2017.
Read More:Pinot Noir: Why It Should Be in Your Pantry + 5 Recipes for Perfect Pairing
The post The 10 Best Wines Under $13, and The Winner Is a $6 Walmart Classic appeared first on Wide Open Eats.