This is a thorough Emergency Food List that includes gluten free and allergy friendly options.
First off, I want to say that I’m not writing this article to spread panic or to capitalize off of the recent pandemic. I’m writing this because as a mom who runs a household with multiple food intolerances, I need this list as much as you do.
I was at the store getting a few groceries and supplies that I wasn’t able to order and as I was standing in the cleaning aisle, I was amazed at how empty it was. Which, as a natural over-thinker and anxiety prone individual, it had me wondering – am I prepared?
Do we have enough food in the house to get us through if we were quarantined for two weeks? The answer was a definite NO.
I don’t like to over-buy and only keep some pantry essentials on hand which are mainly baking supplies for this blog.
We don’t belong to Costco or other wholesale clubs so we’re don’t already have 1000 rolls of toilet paper, enough mayo to feed the entire state of Connecticut at a state-wide summer picnic, or more cereal than we’d ever be able to eat.
So I ended up getting a few extra things *just in case* and made mental note of what we had and what we could possible need. I’ve put together this emergency food list in case you may need it too.
When you’re dealing with food intolerances, and sometimes multiple allergies/intolerances, it’s not always so easy to send somebody else to the store for you to grab what you need without risking them getting the wrong things.
Having food intolerances and allergies means food is always on your mind. You’re constantly planning what, when, how, and where you’re going to eat, how you’re going to feed your family, what you’re going to buy, constant meal-planning, etc. We don’t have the luxury of just eating whatever, whenever, wherever.
So when quarantines and shutdowns are a possibility, it can put that thought process into overdrive. I know personally how that feels and how it can be overwhelming and make you feel completely out of control and worried that you or your family will be able to eat if stores are closed and shelves are empty.
Right now, events are being cancelled and places are shutting down. If you don’t have some food stored up, now’s the time to do it.
What Will You Need?
The Red Cross recommends having at least 3 days of non-perishable food items for as many people you have in your household. FEMA and the CDC recommend 2 weeks worth of food and water for every family member. That sounds crazy daunting but it can be done.
I’ve put together a list of some of the items we personally have stocked up on in case of an emergency. If you want specific numbers of some of the food items you should have on hand (like canned vegetables or canned meat), Sally Strackbein’s Emergency Kitchen has a good list to start with. Her list covers 2 people.
I hope you find this emergency food supply list helpful. I know I’ll personally be using it as a resource.
The majority of this list includes shel-stable foods that are good for any type of emergency that would include power outages. Towards the end of this list, I’ve included non shelf-stable items that should be refrigerated. These are great for other types of emergencies (illnesses, short-term disability, post operation, etc.) when you still have use of a working refrigerator but may not be able to get to the store.
Shelf Stable Protein
Peanut Butter / Nut Butters – almond, cashew, pecan, etc. SunButter if you have nut allergies.
Nuts – mixed nuts, raw, roasted, unsalted, flavored, etc. Roasted Chickpeas are a good alternative if you can’t have nuts.
Trail Mix – check your labels for gluten free trail mix or make it homemade.
Canned Meat – tuna, salmon, chicken.
Beans – Canned and/or Dried Beans and Lentils
High Protein Pastas made with Chickpeas, Beans/Lentils, or Quinoa (make sure they’re gluten free if needed)
Protein Bars – our favorite gluten free ones are Larabar Protein and Protein Kind Bars. The kids eat Cliff Kids Z Bars with Protein.
Protein Powder – get your favorite. There are many gluten free and plant based protein powders available. I prefer Collagen Peptides over traditional protein powder; which has 18 grams of protein/serving.
Cured/Dried Meat – beef jerky, dried meat sticks, non-refrigerated pepperoni, shelf-stable salami, summer sausage. There are many types available that are gluten free and I’ve even seen vegan jerky.
Powdered Peanut Butter – like PB2. It can be added to your food or drinks as is or you can add water to it to “rehydrate” it.
Shelf Stable Milk – my youngest drinks Horizon Organics shelf stable milk in her lunch boxes. I just grabbed an extra box or 2 to have on hand. Check the expiration date though, you’ll want to make sure you can drink it before the best-buy date.
There are many varieties of plant-based shelf-stable milk in different sizes. Options range from single-serve drinks to 32 oz. containers. Rice milk, soy milk, macadamia milk, coconut milk, flax milk, and almond milk are some of the many options with flavors like chocolate, vanilla, plain, and unsweetened. SO MANY options!
Water – bottled and jugs, especially if you have pets and rely on well water. If you didn’t know, the pump to your well will not work without electricity so you won’t have running water. Homeland security recommends 1 gallon per person for at least 3 days. The CDC recommends at least 2 weeks if possible.
Juice Boxes – we always have juice boxes on hand but in case of an emergency, have extra. Single-serve is best because large containers will have to be refrigerated once opened.
Broth – Vegetable/Chicken/Beef stock or bone broth. I prefer bone broth because you can drink it. Get low sodium if you can.
Gluten Free Pasta
Rice Noodles
Instant Mashed Potatoes
Gluten Free Bread Products – I stocked on a few shelf-stable gluten free bread products. For an emergency food list, go with shelf-stable bread over frozen bread. Canyon Bakehouse and Schar are our favorites. Don’t forget rolls and/or bagels if you eat them regularly. There are several other brands of shelf-stable gluten free bread products available now, these just happen to be our favorites and are available at stores near us. Brands available to you will depend on your location.
Gluten Free Cereal – we always have several varieties of gluten free Chex cereal on hand.
Gluten Free Oats and Oatmeal – be sure to get Purity Protocol Oats if you have Celiac Disease.
Gluten Free Crackers – Mary’s, Miltons, Breton, Simple Mills, Glutino, Lance, and Schar our some of our favorites when it comes to gluten free crackers. There are so many options now so pick your favorites.
Gluten Free Pretzels – gluten free pretzels are readily available. We prefer Snyder brand.
Chips/Veggie Straws – we like Good Health Veggie Straws or Chips, Hippeas, plain potato chips, Earth Balance Vegan Puffs, Corn Chips, etc.
Kid Snacks – Pirate’s Booty, Made Good Cereal Treats, granola bars, Larabars, Jello, etc. Get the things your kids normally eat and have a plenty extra on hand.
Popcorn – we get pre-packaged popcorn like Angie’s BoomChickaPop and we also have un-popped popcorn kernels. Late July also makes great popcorn. For something different, try Popcorners popcorn chips.
Applesauce – including apple sauce pouches or other fruit pouches.
Dried Fruit – raisins, Craisins, apricots, cherries, banana chips, dried plums etc. My kids also love Nature’s Bandits Veggie/Fruit Sticks, Stretch Island Fruit Leather, and Bear fruit YoYo’s.
Seeds – pumpkin seeds or sunflower seeds.
Granola Bars – our favorite gluten free granola bars are Kind Bars and Larabars. My kids are also big fans of Cliff Kids ZBars. There are also non-gluten free Nature’s Bakery Fig Bars available – make sure you grab the right ones!
Other Pantry Staples
Jelly – it’s always good to have an extra jar or two in the pantry.
Condiments (ketchup, mustard, mayo, etc.) – these are only shelf-stable until opened.
Gluten Free Soup
Canned Goods – canned fruit, fruit cocktail, or individual fruit cups, canned vegetables, canned beans (mentioned in the protein section), canned tomatoes/tomato sauce/tomato paste, pumpkin puree, canned sweet potatoes, canned butternut squash, etc.
Jarred Pasta/Spaghetti Sauce
Box Macaroni and Cheese – there are quite a few gluten free options of boxed mac and cheese available. We like Annie’s best and they even have individual mac & cheese cups.
Spices – salt, pepper, garlic powder, spices and herbs that you use frequently. Check for any in your spice cabinet that are running low.
Vinegar – good for cooking, baking, preserving, and cleaning.
Cooking Fats and Oils – I have an extra bottle of Avocado Oil, Olive Oil on hand along with extra Nutiva Shortening.
Dried Milk Powder – coconut milk powder is available if you’re dairy free.
Gluten Free Flour – I normally bake with my Nightshade-Free Gluten Free Flour blend so I have plenty of flours stocked up to mix it as needed. I also have a few 1:1 flour blends on hand.
Sweeteners – granulated sugar, brown sugar, powdered sugar, honey, etc. Whatever you use on a regular basis.
For more gluten free baking pantry staples, check out how I stock my pantry.
The following items are refrigerated and are not shelf-stable. These are great to have on hand in case of illness/quarantine/accidents but are not the good options during power outages. Refrigerated and Non-Shelf Stable:
Butter or Plant Based Butter
Milk – regular or plant based. Plant based milks have a long refrigerated life as long as they’re not open. Organic milk is also usually dated pretty far out.
Yogurt – regular or plant based. If you’re getting plant based, try to get one with active cultures.
Tofu (if you can have soy)
Aged Cheeses
Fresh Fruit – Apples and oranges last in the refrigerator for a long time. Clementines, Pomegranates, and lemons have a long (refrigerated) shelf life too. I also got some extra bananas and I’ll bake with the ones that don’t get eaten fast enough.
Fresh Veggies – get ones that last for a while such as carrots, baby carrots, peppers, celery, cabbage, winter squash, beets, and rutabaga.
Frozen Veggies
Perishables – Potatoes, Sweet Potatoes, Onions, and Garlic are perishables but can be kept longer.
Chocolate Bars and other chocolate candies
Gummy Candy and Fruit Snacks
Fruit Leather
Peanut Butter Cups
Delivery Services
Some of these services offer delivery and some are pickup only – delivery will depend on where you’re located. If you happen to be quarantined to your house or you are unable to leave for other reasons, you can designate a pickup person to pick up your order for you.
*This is not a sponsored post, these are services that I use and recommend. Some links are affiliate links, you can read my full disclosure here.
Instacart – Grocery and pharmacy delivery. Easy ordering online and get your essentials delivered if you can’t get to the store yourself. One thing I love about Instacart is that I can choose to not allow substitutions on products before I order. When you’re dealing with food allergies or intolerances, substitutions just aren’t always possible and somebody packing your order might not understand that.
Save time, frustration, and money by opting out of a replacement. To do this, select the item you with to purchase – under “your preferences”, select CHOOSE A REPLACEMENT – at the bottom click on DON’T REPLACE THIS ITEM. Boom, only get what you want and don’t pay for a replacement you probably can’t eat.
Save a few bucks and Get $10 Off your first order.
Walmart Grocery – I’ve been relying heavily on Walmart Grocery services to help save time each week. I start my online order during the week when I’m making my grocery list. Once I hit the $30 minimum, I check out and reserve the time-slot I want for pickup. Choose the best time slot convenient for you. Then all I have to do is check in on my way to pick up, park, and wait for somebody to bring out my groceries. We bag at the car and I’m on my way home in under 10 minutes.
That’s huge for me because when I go to the store, I always go rogue from my list and always, always without fail, spend over an hour, sometimes close to an hour and a half. Free Walmart grocery pickup keeps me on track so I waste less time and have more time to do the important things. Like test recipes for this blog 😉
Some locations offer delivery. You can check delivery locations here.
Prime Pantry and Amazon Fresh – Depending on where you live, you can order fresh groceries for same day delivery from Amazon Fresh. You can also order pantry staples and home essentials from Amazon Pantry and set up auto-ship for ones you buy regularly. We auto-ship all of our vitamins and supplements.
Peapod by Stop & Shop – Stop & Shop is a local grocery store to me. My location only offers free pickup but many others offer delivery through Peapod. Check with your local grocery stores because they may have their own services too. If not, they might be on Instacart.
Target – Target offers same day delivery on grocery and other items. Unfortunately, it’s not available everywhere but you can opt to do same day pickup instead. You can choose to pickup in store or drive up where your order is brought right to your car.
DoorDash – I love DoorDash. Depending on where you live, you can get anything delivered from any of the restaurants near you – even from restaurants that don’t offer delivery! It’s a game-changer especially if you can’t (or don’t want to) leave the house.
Get $15 Off DoorDash.
Thrive Market – I get a lot of our pantry essentials delivered from Thrive Market. They have so many of the gluten free, dairy free, allergy friendly brands we love.
Get 25% Off your first order from Thrive Market.
ButcherBox – ButcherBox doesn’t quite fall under the “meal delivery” services because it’s not a complete meal. It’s just a box of meat that I plan our meals and the rest of the grocery lists around. You can change your box size, frequency of shipments, or skip boxes whenever needed. ButcherBox meat is phenomenal. Grass-feed beef, pasture-raised chicken, heritage breed pork, and wild-caught/sustainably harvested salmon – we’ve loved it all. Between ButcherBox and meal delivery services, we almost never have to buy meat at the grocery store any more.
Get $30 off your first ButcherBox today. You won’t be disappointed. In fact, you’ll be amazed at how flavorful the meat is.
Meal Delivery Services
If you can’t leave your house, meal delivery services are worth looking into. You get all of the ingredients you need to prepare you meals in meal kits or some options are already prepared. Not all are Celiac safe but many offer gluten free, dairy free, or other allergen-free options.
HelloFresh – not suitable for those with Celiac Disease but they have a few options each week that we can work into our dietary needs. HelloFresh helps me cut down a ton of time when it comes to meal-planning and the meal kits are delivered right to my door.
Get $40 Off your first HelloFresh box.
Freshly – Freshly is a meal delivery service that my husband and I enjoy on really busy nights or for lunches when we don’t have leftovers. These meals are 100% prepared, just heat and eat. Freshly is 100% gluten free (certified by GIG) with quite a few dairy free options, too. These are healthy, balanced meals but not suitable for vegetarians or vegans as all of the meals contain meat.
Get $40 Off Freshly.
Green Chef – Green Chef offers organic Keto, Plant Based, Paleo, Balanced Living, and Family Meal Plans. These are meal kits, similar to HelloFresh where you prepare the food. The Keto and Paleo options are certified gluten free.
Purple Carrot – Purple Carrot offers healthy, plant-based meal kits with options for quick & easy meals, gluten free, or high-protein.
Martha + Marley Spoon – not suitable for those with Celiac Disease but they have several options each week that meet our dietary needs. Marley + Spoon don’t include things like flour or butter in their kits so you can use your gluten free flour or dairy free products as called for.
Sun Basket – Sun Basket offers organic, dietician-approved meal plans that include Paleo, Gluten Free, Clean Eating, Vegetarian options, and more. Gluten Free meals are not certified gluten free and pose a risk of cross contamination so they’re not suitable for those with Celiac Disease.
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Original article: Gluten Free Emergency Food List
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